Drying Clothes and hot water

In the states having dry clothes and taking hot showers is a given. In Nicaragua the people here are used to living without hot water and drying there clothes outside. God, however, did provide for hot water heaters here and for a dryer to dry the clothes but we are currently out of natural gas tanks. In the states you just plug into a natural gas line from your street. Here, however we don't have that luxury so we buy gas tanks. When we use all the gas tanks we have to buy more. Currently we are out of gas tanks.
So that means clothes on the line and cold showers which I don't mind too much, but there are others to consider. A year old baby, a mother, and other missionaries. If you'd like to help get the gas back on we would appreciate it. Praise God for he always gives what we need he deserves all the credit. Robert a missionary from Managua just came to visit and he didn't believe a small church from Azusa could do all this at the church here, and really God has used many different people, many other churches like Calvary Chapel Rhode Island and others as well, but we give God credit, with him all is possible.

Cost to get the gas back up and running U$130