Missions Sunday 16JUL23
/HI ALL, A big hello from Nueva Guinea. Looking forward to seeing you all God willing in October.
Thanks to all for praying and giving for the different projects
Getting together more prices on radio antenna install. That will include guy wires and accessories, materials for foundations to support the guy wires, electrical and solar. I know this will be over U$500.00 but am collecting all the prices. A lot of this is done in person as many businesses do not pick up the phone here. And they may tell you they have something over the phone but it really isn't what you want when you see it in person.
We are also close to finishing the inside of the church. Short cables to and from the the church and the radio tower which we are short U$520.00
One brother gave U$150 last week which is half of a Cow for him as a rancher. So we are inching toward the goal. The church continues to do bake sales and food sales to support the urgent needs. Thanks to all of you for your support in bake sales and different events that have supported Nicaragua in the past and present!
We still have a big group for youth night. Pray for their salvation. I help coach some of them on their soccer team. Pray that this becomes more and more an inroad for evangelism.
Danny has been working hard. Helping moises with the church building daily, doing local church finances, and working on getting the radio tower operatio al with permissions. We thank God for him and for those of you that have pledged to support his efforts as he works on getting funding from the radio ministry to support his payroll.
Please pray for Pastor Carlos and that the government completes his house rather soon. We have offered to have some of his family to come stay here for the meantime but they prefer to stick together at the same place and not leave their property unattended as it can lead to robbery. They knowcked down half of the old house not the whole old house so they have a little space and are just cramped.
Thanks again for all your prayers and support.
Grace and peace.
Working inside Church with some of the brothers of the church
Pastor Carlos’s New House being worked on. It is a Government project, construction recommences 20JUL23