
The vision and the mission of Calvary Chapel Nueva Guinea is making disciples for Christ. This is the purpose and objective that we are fighting for.  We want to complete this objective, so we have been working towards this, equipping the youth and the adults in the gospel to serve Christ Jesus.  Our goal is to make disciples that are firmly planted and deeply rooted in the word so that when trials come, they will be victorious in Jesus.

Yeltsin and Jhonny are two youth who have struggled in the past.  They have both show great interest in growing in the LORD and want to have a good testimony before God and before the brothers.  They are both currently being disciple.  These two young men have visited the church since they were kids.  Our prayer is that they would be men of God, fishers of men, and ministers of grace that stand fast in Christ.  My daughters, Karla and Judith are also taking discipleship class along with a sister named Tania Lopez.  We ask that you pray for these young students.  Pray that they would grow and that their faith would be strengthened in the LORD.  Thank you very much and may God bless you today and always!