Greater appreciation!
/Hi Everybody!
In Pali there are empty shelves and the meat section is closed...
Today, as some of you have heard, there was a national shut-down here in Nicaragua. This meant all businesses (commercial, private, big and small) were to close for 24 hours, nationwide. Thankfully some people were able to get out and make some purchases yesterday, but at the same time, there has been less and less to even buy over the last few weeks to a month. It has been a very humbling experience for me, definitely, and I am grateful for it! Propane ran out in town last week, so we are cautious about how we cook so that we can conserve what we have. Cold showers and hang-drying our clothes is not new for us since we have lived here. We've been blessed to have had hot running water and dryer use at times as God provides for it, so not having it now really reminds me to appreciate it! I did used to complain though about the lack of variety of fruits and vegetables that we can buy here. I thought “I wish we had broccoli and brussel spouts (I love those!), or Napa cabbage, good lettuce like romaine and butter, or zucchini and leeks (love those too!)...good berries and peaches!” Now, I am wishing I could just find our basic veggies again like carrots and onions that haven't gone bad or skyrocketed in price. It's been an adjustment for us for sure, but it has been even harder on many Nicaraguans who struggle to make ends meet every day. In town, I've been asked by many people if what is going on in the country scares me or makes me want to leave. I do mention that having someone break in did make me nervous for a time, but that overall my trust is in the Lord and I don't feel afraid.
The vegetable and fruit section is almost emptied out. No supply trucks have been coming through...
Prayer Requests:
Wisdom for the president and government
That we could continue to have peace and confidence in the Lord, so that as others see it they may want to know how they could have peace, too! In a relationship with Jesus Christ!
As food is scarce, and many people are out of work, pray that this would cause people to trust in God for their provisions.
That while it seems like the country crumbling all around, that people would find refuge in the Lord, and would be steadfast in Him